Join us

There are several ways to get involved in our campaign.

One of them is to take part in it directly, if it takes place in your city.

“To begin with, make sure that your household or your building has received proper blue bin or container, as well as a yellow container.”

If not, contact your local public utility company.

If the bin or container have already arrived, try to acquaint the members of your household with the new rules for disposing of household waste.

It is best to play them animated videos that we have saved in the section “Repository”, but you can also download our flyer, because it contains all the necessary information.

After that, everything is about acquiring new habits and careful selection of metal, paper and plastic, or glass.


Another way to join us is as an ECO AMBASSADOR!

If you think and feel like an innovator and have ideas that can radically change the practices and ways of taking care of the environment in Serbia, let us know!


Pomilio Blumm is the service contractor in charge of the implementation of the communication and dissemination campaign of the “Waste Source Separation in 4 Regions” project, alongside the local partner New Moment.